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Safe spaces for women prisoners

Write to your MP today

Keep me out of women's prisons

Trans-identified males are shockingly over-represented in NZ prison statistics… and 14% of these men are placed in women’s prisons!

Click to see prison data

The presence of trans-identifying males, who offend at rates far higher than women, poses a risk to the safety, dignity, and well-being of female prisoners.

It compromises the integrity of single-sex spaces designed for women and ignores the reality of male-pattern offending.

14% of trans-identifying males in women's prisons is 100% too many

SUFW called on the Minister of Corrections to disestablish the practice of housing trans-identifying males in female facilities immediately.

Join us in protecting women’s safety by writing to your local MP - you can use our letter as a guide and you can find your MP's email address here.

No More Compromise!


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